Help Further the Cause |
Black Bear Solar Institute is fully recognized as a tax exempt non-profit organization granted 501(c)(3) public charity status by the United States Internal Revenue Service and the State of Tennessee. All donations are tax deductable under Section 170 of the US Tax Code. Scroll down the page to select a one-time or automatic monthly donation through PayPal with any major credit card (no PayPal account required) or your existing PayPal account, or a one-time donation with Google Checkout.
Black Bear Solar Institute is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity |
If you want your donation to go toward a specific part of BBSI’s mission, please send an e-mail to after using PayPal or Google Checkout and specify how you want your donation used. It can be applied toward Wildlife Rehab, Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicle Transportation or our Educational Center. We also need your e-mail or physical mailing address if you would like to receive a donation acknowledgement letter.
One-Time Donation with Credit Card or Your PayPal Account |
Monthly Donation with Credit Card or Your PayPal Account |
Click the Donate Button, then enter your amount |
Select your amount from the drop-down list, then Click the Subscribe ButtonYour monthly donation automatically continues until you return here and Click the Unsubscribe Button below |
One-Time Donation with Google Checkout |
Enter your amount, then Click the Donate Button |